Work With Me
“When we awaken to the reality of how profoundly fleeting it all is, we learn how to be present for our temporary lives. When we recognize how it is that we exacerbate our own suffering, we learn to keep vigil at the flame of emotional sobriety. ” ~ Jesua
There are three distinct yet compatible ways of working with me:
1) Individual 60-90 min Soul Mentoring session work, offered remotely by phone or Zoom, or in person.
(This can be a one-time session, or an intimate, soul mentoring relationship that unfolds over many months or years. )
2) Sacrament-Assisted Therapeutic Healing Sessions
(These sessions take a variety of forms, but tend to range from 3-8 hours in length)
3) Ceremonial Immersions and Retreats
(Uniquely designed and formulated for each individual or group, these immersions span 1-5 days.)
Click the links below to Learn More about each approach