by Jesua | Nov 5, 2016 | Musings From A Prayerful Heart
Heading into prayer space this weekend. So deeply grateful to have the chance to gather with kindreds around the flame and sit with what is churning in our hearts, and in the great heart of our world in these tender, troubling times.I had a potent dream a couple of...
by Jesua | Aug 3, 2016 | Musings From A Prayerful Heart
My beloved Grandmother, my mother’s mother, Dorothy Dannenbaum Rudolph, fondly known by us all as “Dede,” passed on from this world late last night at the seasoned age of 94. She died in the comfort of her own home, in her own bed, with her two loving daughters by her...
by Jesua | May 18, 2016 | Musings From A Prayerful Heart
For Mother’s Day today I wrote to my mother: “My dear, beautiful, amazing Mom!! Happy Mother’s day!! I love you so much. What a lucky life I live with you as my mother!! If you knew all the moments my heart beats with sheer gratitude for who you are, and...
by Jesua | May 10, 2016 | Musings From A Prayerful Heart
I remember one time, when my kids were much smaller, maybe 5 and 2 years old, we had just gotten over a horrendous family stomach flu. You know the kind~ where just like dominos, everyone goes down? One by one, everyone is violently, grossly sick, all over the house....
by Jesua | Feb 5, 2016 | Featured 2, Musings From A Prayerful Heart
My little boy only wants Sanskrit mantras sung to him as he falls asleep. “Please Mama, sing me the Sanskrit ones?” he says, as he scoots back his 7 year old body into my spooning embrace, finding his trustworthy bridge into dream. My little budding woman-child wants...
by Jesua | Dec 21, 2015 | Musings From A Prayerful Heart
A couple of nights ago I woke in the middle of the night from a terrifying dream, with my heart pounding, my mouth still mouthing the emotional words I had been saying in my dream, stress hormones coursing through my body. In the dream I had just been diagnosed with...