by Jesua | Jan 13, 2015 | Musings From A Conscious Parenting
I loved having babies. I loved the relative simplicity of that chapter of parenting. Such a physically raw time, yes, wow; literally growing their bodies from my own flesh and blood, my milk, my chi, my sleeplessness given, helplessly, to the devoted care of these...
by Jesua | Dec 14, 2014 | Musings From A Conscious Parenting
This is such a loaded time of year, isn’t it? It can be a beautiful time, yes. Full of sparkly lights and brisk walks bundled in layers, sweetly, arm in arm. In this part of the Northern Hemisphere it is a time of turning inward, into the darker months, shorter days....
by Jesua | Oct 28, 2014 | Musings From A Conscious Parenting
I’ve noticed the children haven’t wanted to speak a lot with each other about Arayla’s hospital journey. They’ve just wanted to recalibrate to one another, to play joyously as well as quarrel in familiar ways. Ezra( almost 6) and I definitely...
by Jesua | Oct 23, 2014 | Musings From A Conscious Parenting
As I integrate the acute traumatic and healing passage through which we recently traversed with Arayla as she found her way back from the edge of physical crisis to health, something I’ve been contemplating is the interesting role that intuition has played...
by Jesua | Oct 18, 2014 | Musings From A Conscious Parenting
One of the sweetest, most powerful moments during our hospital stay this past week, was right after we found out all of Arayla’s bloodwork showed enough improvement for us to get to go home. After the doctor left the room I climbed up into Arayla’s hospital bed with...
by Jesua | Aug 29, 2014 | Musings From A Conscious Parenting
After we got home this afternoon from the children’s all-morning orientation at their new school, I was fully ready to ground out, clean our home, and relax. But Ezra (5) had other ideas. He wanted to go to the skatepark and work on his new tricks. I told him clearly,...