by Jesua | Jul 26, 2014 | Musings From A Prayerful Heart
Everything follows the true breath of “Yes.” There is nothing to do and nothing to be done. Only to tell the truth, generously, fearlessly, and let every moment be given. If the focus switches from “What am I getting from this life?” to “How does life want...
by Jesua | Jul 22, 2014 | Blog
The other night I stood before two friends I love dearly, took their hands in mine, and with genuine tears of joy in my eyes, gave them my deepest heart’s blessings, for their gorgeously blossoming love and union. What made this a particularly powerful and...
by Jesua | Jul 16, 2014 | Musings From A Conscious Parenting
The other day Arayla (9) and I went through a mundane yet potent, mother/daughter rite of passage. We were getting ready to attend a concert, and we were all feeling inclined to wear white. I was deciding between two of my favorite white dresses, Ezra had his white...
by Jesua | Jul 15, 2014 | Musings From A Prayerful Heart
The last time I was with my spiritual mother, Gangaji, physically, in person, last October, she asked me to come up on stage and share one of my poems with the many people gathered. I happily and somewhat shyly shared the poem “Sorrow’s Home.” Later in the meeting,...